Come Home to Me ★★★★★

Author: Peggy L. Henderson
Genre: Time Travel Romance
Source: Kindle Freebie
252 pages
I was looking for something different to read and since I'm doing the clean out your e-reader challenge I went through my kindle freebies and found this little gem. I absolutely loved this book. I'm actually very disappointed that the next book in the Second Chances series Ain't No Angel isn't out yet. According to the author Peggy L. Henderson the book should be coming out this month! For those of you who follow my reviews my reaction to this book may come as a surprise. For over 2 years now I've read mostly paranormal romance. I think I'll have to look for more time travel romance because this was really neat.
Come Home to Me starts off in present day with Jake in jail for murder. His new lawyer offers him a second chance if he scouts for a wagon train on the Oregon trail. Little does Jake know that agreeing to this sends him 150+ years into the past! This is where he meets Rachel. Rachel is traveling with her family and finds herself attracted to Jake from the start. But she has a lot in the way... like a husband and 3 kids. There are a lot of surprises along the way in the 5 months that Jake leads the emigrants to Oregon City. I found the whole story captivating. I loved Jake and Rachel. I cheered for them and cried for them.
Although this isn't my regular genre it has opened up a whole new genre to me and I look forward to the next book in the Second Chances series. This is a romance like no other I have read. I'm not sure how many other books there are out there like this but I think Peggy L. Henderson did a wonderful job capturing what life was like on the Oregon Trail. It makes me glad for modern conveniences while longing for a simpler way of life.
Favorite Quote:
"A man doesn't look at a woman the way he looks at you with the intention of walking away."