To Conspire ★★★★☆

Author: Sara B. Gauldin
Genre: Urban Fantasy
Source: ARC
86 pages
I find it ironic that I was just commenting on a novella and saying that they usually leave me feeling like the book lacked something. To Conspire was only lacking in the sense that I would have liked for it to go on. Perhaps author Sara Gauldin was hoping to leave the rest to our imaginations. I know I have my own ideas of what I would like to happen next. Actually I'd be very interested in another novella or book with Avery Rich and Ryan Kain. I love watching movies like this but seldom read books in this genre anymore. Despite being short it was action packed.
The main characters are Avery and Kain. Avery is a police detective that is new to the area. Her commanding officer tells her that he has brought her in to help investigate the disappearances of bankers. He tells her that he can't trust anyone else to investigate and that it's off the books. He tells her to meet up with Kain who is a known conspiracy theorist. I would love to read more about Kain. It's understandable in the story that the doesn't go out and give all of the info from his whole life away but the little crumbs that were given left me wanting more. Avery and Kain team up to find the missing bankers but end up finding out a lot more and nearly lose their lives in the process.
This was a fast paced and action packed read. Despite being a novella it doesn't lack in details. I would recommend this to anyone who likes crime dramas, mysteries, conspiracy theories or are just looking for something different. I would definitely read more from author Sara Gauldin.
Favorite Quotes:
"Part of me wondered if there was another side to this paranoid person, a side that could be open and receptive to another human being."
"Even if I survive this chain of events I doubt I will ever truly understand Ryan Kain. Every time I think I am making headway figuring him out he says or does something to throw me off."